Kenyan Men Empowerment Network (KEMEN) is an association of Kenyan men living in the diaspora. The group aims to create a forum where Kenyan men in diaspora address issues that affect them and find appropriate solutions to solve them. Through the KEMEN platform, the association engage, inform and educate the community of Kenyan men on how to address the challenges of their daily lives. The ability to generate, access, and use information has become a key factor in personal, social, and economic growth. That’s why through free flow and sharing of information, this forum will expand its global outreach to the diaspora society in reshaping our personal, education, and social activities and values.




The mission of the group is to bring the Kenyan men living in Diaspora together. The group seeks to address the issues faced by the Kenyan men when they are away from home and help in the celebrating and encouraging them to effectively address the challenges of the community.


Our vision is to create a network where all the members get to interact and know each other, share ideas and simply be each other brother’s keeper. This will play an increasingly vital role in empowering individuals, communities to maximize the benefits of the information shared. Men the diaspora face various challenges and this group will address these challenges through learning, collaboration and mentoring.


The strategy is to ensure Kenyan men in the diaspora find a leaning shoulder and a friend to guide them through when they face various issues while living in the diaspora. By traditional and societal measures of success, men and the boy child are slipping away. They are disproportionately affected by the social and economic downturn – that may keep burning until it is hard to put off .

1. Marketing

The group will be marketed on social media and other avenues to let the interested individuals know of its existence. Members who live in diaspora are encouraged to join to get the benefits of teamwork and collaboration. Social media campaigns will be launched both in the diaspora and in Kenya to let individuals traveling abroad to know about the group and the benefits of joining.

2. Rules and Regulations

The group will be closed but open to all Kenyan men to join as long as one is living in diaspora and has Kenyan roots either by birth or roots.Members will be free to share their knowledge, experiences, wisdom and encourage one another.

Members must steer away from political and religious discussions and arguments to ensure that everyone is accommodated.

Anyone who posts , starts discussion or shares material that is politically biased or motivated, religious offensive to the other’s beliefs, ponographic, threatening or derogatory materials will be immediately blocked or deleted from the group.

3. Know each other

Members are encouraged to know each other as unity is strength. Moreover, where there is teamwork , great things can be achieved. The group will create an avenue where people can interact and share ideas getting to know each other better and forge collaborations that are mutually beneficial. It will be easier to find a mentors to offer guidance on how to deal with various issues.

4. Communication.

Communication will be through social media platforms such as facebook and twitter to allow members share idea. It is also easier to communicate on these platforms due to the distance and keep in touch with everyone.

Meeting will also be held on quarterly basis to allow members to meet and discuss important issues that affect them. This will allow us to engage in activities that generate knowledge and application for effective practice and foster interdisciplinary approaches to address challenges Kenyan men face in diaspora.

5. Organizations structure.

The structure comprise of the group administrators who will be responsible for regulating the conduct of members as well as other operations of the group.

The group chairperson will be responsible for running of the group and ensuring that the issues of concern are addressed. The secretary will be responsible for ensuring all the communications in the group are timely updated.

6.Conferences and Workshops

We will be having main annual conference and mini conferences in two main chapters. We will also be carrying out workshops.

KEMEN community is us, is for us and about us, so let’s KEMEN – let’s Talk About Us, Communicate with Us and Know Us. Being part of KEMEN is getting to understand men, you and us, so let’s KEMEN.

why us.

Our Areas of Focus

Financial Literacy
Employment/ Careers
Health & Wellness
Higher Education

Please reach out to us via:

[314] 757 0502


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One Man at a Time!